
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: In the new year we have often for the first time an opportunity to align with our spark of inner truth
Author: Fraser Trevor
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In the new year we have often for the first time an opportunity to align with our spark of the truth within us, we realise that there is ...

In the new year we have often for the first time an opportunity to align with our spark of the truth within us, we realise that there is more to us than our painful history. Even though we were marginalised as children, and marginalised as adults, we are not others view of us. Underneath it all in the depths of our recollections, as the child hidden within we are true, unhurt, and real. Our core of perfection is beyond question. This knowledge, solidifies through studying the ten stages, allows us to investigate our past with a clear form of detachment in a searching and fearless manner. The exact accounting of our childhood history, be it subtle or overt emotional abuse, is necessary because we can only awaken to our child within as we gently acknowledge them. Despite the our frozen state of unknowing of our child within feels if we do not protect our parents, we hold off on forgiving and instead give ourselves the permission to exhume the dissociations of our hidden past. We hold our perpetrators accountable for the crimes they in inflicted on our shadow self. We indict our parents, our families, and the religious and social traditions of our ancestors for the ways in which they failed us. They broke us, and through acknowledging this objectively we open the doors to our child that has hidden within ourselves.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. #childwithin#10stages


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