
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: TEN Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
T en Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion. To recover is to choose to show up to be devoted to our r...
 TEN Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion.
TEN Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion.

T en Stage Recovery is an action, a choice. Recovery is not really an emotion. To recover is to choose to show up to be devoted to our r...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective. It’s how we learn to improvise and to search for answers. It’s how we...
The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective.
The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective.

The Ten Stages are how we learn to see from a different perspective. It’s how we learn to improvise and to search for answers. It’s how we...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Receiving the Gift of Lovng Kindfulness 150,000 members growing larger by the moment filling us with a positive message dealing with the roots of addiction.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
150,000 members and growing larger by the moment filling us with a positive message and a meditation practice dealing with the roots of ...
Receiving the Gift of Lovng Kindfulness 150,000 members  growing larger by the moment filling us with a positive message dealing with the roots of addiction.
Receiving the Gift of Lovng Kindfulness 150,000 members growing larger by the moment filling us with a positive message dealing with the roots of addiction.

150,000 members and growing larger by the moment filling us with a positive message and a meditation practice dealing with the roots of ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. our internal wiring is all over the...
Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor.
Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor.

Our minds as adult survivors of trauma are similar to a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. our internal wiring is all over the...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We were created perfect, and despite the inevitability that we loose some of that perfection when we mature and develop in the midst of others who are wounded, we always retain the capacity to become perfect once again
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Truth is in our blood. It is the essence of our being. It is the best part of us, the core of what makes us human. It is our child wi...
We were created perfect, and despite the inevitability that we loose some of that perfection when we mature and develop in the midst of others who are wounded, we always retain the capacity to become perfect once again
We were created perfect, and despite the inevitability that we loose some of that perfection when we mature and develop in the midst of others who are wounded, we always retain the capacity to become perfect once again

Truth is in our blood. It is the essence of our being. It is the best part of us, the core of what makes us human. It is our child wi...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Out-Patient
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Out-Patient The Ten Stages is a studi...
The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Out-Patient
The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Out-Patient

The brain of adult survivors of abuse is like a laptop that's been dropped on the floor. | The Out-Patient The Ten Stages is a studi...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Stages Meditation of deep silence | The Out-Patient
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Stages Meditation of deep silence | The Out-Patient
The Stages Meditation of deep silence        |         The Out-Patient
The Stages Meditation of deep silence | The Out-Patient

The Stages Meditation of deep silence | The Out-Patient

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We COULD NOT stop dissociating when we wanted to.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We are addicts. We are addicted to dissociation. Several months ago we started wondering if the defenses we commonly use could possibly...
We COULD NOT stop dissociating when we wanted to.
We COULD NOT stop dissociating when we wanted to.

We are addicts. We are addicted to dissociation. Several months ago we started wondering if the defenses we commonly use could possibly...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Dare to be Recovered today !
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, ...
Dare to be Recovered today !
Dare to be Recovered today !

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism. Which exists side by side with a terrible exploitativeness, a willingness to take advantage of other...
The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism.
The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism.

The Ten Stages deals with Narcissism. Which exists side by side with a terrible exploitativeness, a willingness to take advantage of other...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear,flight and freeze response.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear,flight and freeze...
Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear,flight and freeze response.
Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear,flight and freeze response.

Coming to the end of a Ten Stage meeting always has a special evolving message and this one started to explain the fear,flight and freeze...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: I don't mind how it goes.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The goal of the meditational practice at the stages is to calm the mind and bring less attachment to the outside comings and goings of lif...
I don't mind how it goes.
I don't mind how it goes.

The goal of the meditational practice at the stages is to calm the mind and bring less attachment to the outside comings and goings of lif...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our old map we start to uncover
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The old map we start to uncover in the stages is supposed to tell us what is normal, but that map was not made for you. It was made to...
Our old map we start to uncover
Our old map we start to uncover

The old map we start to uncover in the stages is supposed to tell us what is normal, but that map was not made for you. It was made to...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: They freeze our memory with ice to keep us from remembering......But remember we do.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We the passionate recovered are the raw force of our own lives, and it threatens the still-traumatised and shaming groups – the norm – w...
They freeze our memory with ice to keep us from remembering......But remember we do.
They freeze our memory with ice to keep us from remembering......But remember we do.

We the passionate recovered are the raw force of our own lives, and it threatens the still-traumatised and shaming groups – the norm – w...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We don't create that inner connection to our child within which allows a new evolution to take place.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
That which we are not conscious of will control us. When we are completely caught up in our ordinary sense of self, there is no chance of...
We don't create that inner connection to our child within which allows a new evolution to take place.
We don't create that inner connection to our child within which allows a new evolution to take place.

That which we are not conscious of will control us. When we are completely caught up in our ordinary sense of self, there is no chance of...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: INTULEXIA cultivating a mindset of no-thought
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Awakening to our original nature involves interrupting the ordinary flow of linear, language-based, thinking so that we can rediscover ...
INTULEXIA cultivating a mindset of no-thought
INTULEXIA cultivating a mindset of no-thought

Awakening to our original nature involves interrupting the ordinary flow of linear, language-based, thinking so that we can rediscover ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Meditation seat
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Meditation seat
Meditation seat

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction , in fact, it is disassociation that drives addi...
The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction
The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction

The Ten Stages create revolutionary solutions: Drugs aren't the driver of addiction , in fact, it is disassociation that drives addi...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks. This me...
Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks.
Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks.

Dissociation Addiction Disorders are a set of learned responses and a failure to complete numerous important developmental tasks. This me...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families?
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families? Certainly in such a permissive world as ou...
Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families?
Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families?

Why does the ten stages send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families? Certainly in such a permissive world as ou...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Traditional treatment methods often make the survivor of abuse feel re-victimised.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Issues for the survivor of Dissociation Addiction Disorders, if they are entering traditional treatment for addiction or AA, is that man...
Traditional treatment methods often make the survivor of abuse feel re-victimised.
Traditional treatment methods often make the survivor of abuse feel re-victimised.

Issues for the survivor of Dissociation Addiction Disorders, if they are entering traditional treatment for addiction or AA, is that man...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, wh...
We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are
We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are

We who take the time to understand our relationship with our child within, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, wh...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself. And not just our adult self, We're talking about our p...
It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself.
It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself.

It's impossible for us to know who we are if we don't liberate ourself. And not just our adult self, We're talking about our p...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dar...
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dar...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Connecting to a child within:None of these is you.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and educ...
Connecting to a child within:None of these is you.
Connecting to a child within:None of these is you.

"The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and educ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Todays Healthy Recovery: In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within. You see, when we make someone else a Higher Power in our lives, w...
Todays Healthy Recovery: In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within.
Todays Healthy Recovery: In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within.

In the ten stages we learn to communicate with our perfect child within. You see, when we make someone else a Higher Power in our lives, w...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger, that stranger is you, it will set you free, liberated into your birth right
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger, that stranger is you, it will set you free, liberated...
The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger, that stranger is you, it will set you free, liberated into your birth right
The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger, that stranger is you, it will set you free, liberated into your birth right

The Ten Stages can and will change your life. It will introduce you to a stranger, that stranger is you, it will set you free, liberated...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Those of us who have made a connection to our child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Those of us who have made a connection to our  child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way. When ...
Those of us who have made a connection to our  child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way.
Those of us who have made a connection to our child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way.

Those of us who have made a connection to our  child within into maturity can approach conflict and an enemy in a non-reactive way. When ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Violence stems from adults who have not addressed the child within and instead seek revenge outside.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
We who have not healed our wounds of childhood have a propensity for violence—and live looking for a fight. From bickering with a partner...
Violence stems from adults who have not addressed the child within and instead seek revenge outside.
Violence stems from adults who have not addressed the child within and instead seek revenge outside.

We who have not healed our wounds of childhood have a propensity for violence—and live looking for a fight. From bickering with a partner...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Self Worth comes through the liberation of the Child Within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Self Worth comes through the liberation of Child Within. The perfect conduit for healthy self-worth is an honest person, healed of Childh...
Self Worth comes through the liberation of the Child Within.
Self Worth comes through the liberation of the Child Within.

Self Worth comes through the liberation of Child Within. The perfect conduit for healthy self-worth is an honest person, healed of Childh...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: If we were neglected as children, we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
If we were neglected as children, we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted. Now we must take the time alone, without the distractions or...
If we were neglected as children, we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted.
If we were neglected as children, we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted.

If we were neglected as children, we enter adulthood as self worth-depleted. Now we must take the time alone, without the distractions or...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment, anger and jealousy originate - within us.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment, anger and jealousy originate - within us.We have built walls, killin...
In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment, anger and jealousy originate - within us.
In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment, anger and jealousy originate - within us.

In our relationships it's important to remember where resentment, anger and jealousy originate - within us.We have built walls, killin...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: It’s the mark of a ten stager to no longer blame the other person, but instead to see the other person as a mirror of his or her own life.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
  When you see the current relationships of your life as not a victim, but as a mirror of your own life, you can begin to take empowered a...
It’s the mark of a ten stager to no longer blame the other person, but instead to see the other person as a mirror of his or her own life.
It’s the mark of a ten stager to no longer blame the other person, but instead to see the other person as a mirror of his or her own life.

  When you see the current relationships of your life as not a victim, but as a mirror of your own life, you can begin to take empowered a...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The truth is that our finest moments when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The truth is that our finest moments when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, pr...
The truth is that our finest moments when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
The truth is that our finest moments when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.

The truth is that our finest moments when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, pr...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Living your ten stage recovery takes courage, it just does.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Living your ten stage recovery takes courage, it just does. On the one hand you have your heart, your child within and your intuition nudg...
Living your ten stage recovery takes courage, it just does.
Living your ten stage recovery takes courage, it just does.

Living your ten stage recovery takes courage, it just does. On the one hand you have your heart, your child within and your intuition nudg...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Fear Based adult ego thinking
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Fear-based adult ego thinking keeps us trapped in our comfort zone. There is an evolutionary reason for this. Fear helps us survive in ch...
Fear Based adult ego thinking
Fear Based adult ego thinking

Fear-based adult ego thinking keeps us trapped in our comfort zone. There is an evolutionary reason for this. Fear helps us survive in ch...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The child within, once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The child within, once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations. Our Child Within will not bolster any...
The child within, once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations.
The child within, once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations.

The child within, once released does not protect our self-deception from our lies our dissociations. Our Child Within will not bolster any...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We know the most important thing in life is self-worth
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
"We know the most important thing in life is self-worth, because if you don't have self-worth, and respect for everything about ...
We know the most important thing in life is self-worth
We know the most important thing in life is self-worth

"We know the most important thing in life is self-worth, because if you don't have self-worth, and respect for everything about ...

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Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all know intuitively is our birthright.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all  know  intuitively is our birthright. Yet, ...
The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all know intuitively is our birthright.
The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all know intuitively is our birthright.

The pulse of our recovery beats at the heart of our child within and is something that we all  know  intuitively is our birthright. Yet, ...

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