
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Fear Based adult ego thinking
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Fear-based adult ego thinking keeps us trapped in our comfort zone. There is an evolutionary reason for this. Fear helps us survive in ch...

Fear-based adult ego thinking keeps us trapped in our comfort zone.

There is an evolutionary reason for this. Fear helps us survive in childhood.

But today we are about more than just surviving – we are about thriving. Thriving means more than just existing. It means living at our own unique Highest recovery Potential, which requires us to take a step outside of our comfort zone daily.

We are grateful for fear, but allow ourselves to make a choice from a higher place of our perfect child within, from a place of trust. The ironic thing is that once we die to our fears, we can live. So living does require that we die, that we die to our fears, our doubts and our old ways of thinking. We must let our fears die and be reborn to our child within. We must take that first scary step out with trust that we will either know how to fly or that we will be caught.We must re-consitute our pathway to our higher mental power

The irony is that by playing it safe we are actually slowly dying day by day, and by risking death, we are actually taking a step toward life. We need to live our life everyday conscious of the question, “When you get to the end of your life, will you die wondering ‘what if?’” If the answer is yes, then we always do the thing we’re afraid of doing. We are also conscious of the fact that we may be blessed to live to be 100 or more, but we may also not make it through the day. So we also try my best to live in a way that doesn’t delay the things we want to do. If there is a risk to take, we want to take it now. we don’t take blind risks. we take calculated risks, we meditate switch over to our higher mental power think things through, but at the end of the day the risks we still take are not scary.

Let us step into the knowing that it's by dying to our fears that we live. Let us take action on this and realise the only way to die to our fears is to explore them.

Let us face them with the solid faith that The ten stages has got our back.

It’s kind of fun to live life not knowing what’s going to happen next. What fears can we die to today?

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. #childwithin#10stages


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