
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Our Child Within is born Lovable, Sociable and Non-Violent can and needs to return there.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
1. The mind is the most important human organ – legs are the organ for walking, the mind for socially cooperating. 2. Intent is the most...
1. The mind is the most important human organ – legs are the organ for walking, the mind for socially cooperating.

2. Intent is the most important human attribute.

3. Trust is the most important human asset

4. Fear is our primary pathogen it shuts out our child within.

5. Fear stops thought – whence all irrationality – daren’t look, so cannot see, think-straight or believe in ourselves fail.

6. Fear keeps our child terrors ‘alive’ in the head today – time to get rid of them.

7. Fear-free zones eliminate mental distress [aka insanity] 100%, just as intact sanitation eliminates cholera 100%

8. Verbal definitions always go awry – pain, fear and intent have maximum meaning, but zero definition, which is why trust is so important as in our healing methods of Truth, Trust and Consent

9. Emotions fall into two varieties – adult, and infantile – eliminate the latter, the ‘juvenile unformed emotions’, and you’re guaranteed 100% relief [aka recovery].

10. The Child Within is born Lovable, Sociable and Non-Violent can and needs to return there.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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