
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Preparation: • Make a personal Commitment to practicing the stagers silence for a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes daily for 30 days.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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30 day 3x4 Stage Study course Preparation: • Make a personal Commitment to practicing the stagers silence for a minimum of 10 to 20 m...
30 day 3x4 Stage Study course
Preparation: • Make a personal Commitment to practicing the stagers silence for a minimum of 10 to 20 minutes daily for 30 days. 

• Practice it each morning. (Get up earlier if need be. If for any reason you miss a morning, that’s quite OK, simply begin counting the 30-day period over again! If you will do this for 30 days in a row, you’ll likely make it a practice for the rest of your life. 

• Choose a space - a quiet place where you can be alone. It should be comfortable and inviting. Reserve it only for meditation, if at all possible. 

• Buy a notebook to write down your thoughts - have it ready when you begin. Start: • Sit in an upright posture. Remember your child within whose Presence you are entering.

• Breathe deeply 2 or 3 times - let go of all tension and worry with each outward breath.
 • Write a question. A very honest question that captures your real need. If you have a problem that’s troubling you where you really need the child withins guidance, write it out and ask. Child within me, I feel so alone and separated from you and from others, please help me feel your childhood presence. 
. Child Within, I’m withdrawing / isolating again - moving further away from my child. Please tell me what to do. 
. Child within me, I need your guidance today as I face _______. Please show me the way so I can do your will. • Listen for your child withins Voice, with your pen & notebook in hand. If the connection isn’t immediate and words do not come into your mind, use your active imagination, especially when you’re first making conscious contact: Say to yourself, “If my child were to speak to me this is what he might say:” _______________________ • Write the words that come into your mind. Try not to edit them. Only listen and write. (If words come that you think are not from your child write them down anyway. Put them in brackets if you like and try to re-focus on listening for your child withins intuitive Voice. In time, you will come to distinguish your child withins Voice more clearly from the voices of the ego.) 
• If stuck, write your own name or write, “My child” . • Stop writing when it becomes strained. 
• Feel the closeness of your child as you experience conscious contact. Following your Guidance: 
• Share your writings weekly with a stager or with another who is also practicing Quiet Time. You may find that their writings contain some particular guidance for you or yours for them. 
• Check your guidance. Does it pass the test: is it Honest, Pure, Unselfish and Loving. 
• Act on your guidance – but only if it passes the test – and if it is a major move, check it also with others who are also listening to their own child within.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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