
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: When we’re on the path to recovery, what seems like chaos is many times intuition in action.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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When we start living our life from the inside out, when we take our power back from people, places and things, when you start trusti...
When we start living our life from the inside out, when we take our power back from people, places and things, when you start trusting our child within – there is one very important thing to keep in mind: chaos happens. But here’s the thing about chaos - when you’re on the path to recovery, what seems like chaos is many times intuition in action. You see, we expect this great big vast and intelligent inner universe to act according to human reason. But the problem with that is what we humans actually know about the inner-universe is so limited compared to what there is to know. So, many times we see chaos when actually it is just part of a greater and wiser order that we do not understand.

Also, because we don’t know what’s going to happen next in our lives, it is incorrect to assume the worst when we perceive chaos happening in our life. Our inner universe speaks in chaos, change and the voice of intuition many times what appears to be chaos, and right before revelation is usually some form of death of the false self.

What does that mean?

It means that for us to understand and come into harmony with greater Truths about ourselves and our inner universe, our old perceptions AND fears have to be shed (aka die) for new insight to come. Knowing this cycle can be SO helpful when we are going about the business of manifesting our new reality..

When we lean into our faith we invite a higher order of living into your life. It is part of our calling on The Path to recovery to develop emotional fitness and proper insight to see that when things “seem” to be going “wrong” or “changing”, not to freak out and apply some doomsday meaning to these events of our lives. Instead, we step back, observe and know that in any seeming change, crisis or chaos is both potential risk AND a potential opportunity.

It is those of us who have trained our mind to see and trust the bigger picture (knowing that our inner Universe is FOR us and never against us) that benefit most from change, chaos and crisis. It is backwards to ask for an easy life that works out perfectly AND desire faith in ourself. Faith counts the MOST when the sh*t is hitting the fan.

So today, in our life, whether it be financially, romantically, emotionally, spiritually or any aspect of your life, if there is chaos or change, just decide that our recovery is working on our behalf and choose to assign a constructive and positive meaning to what’s happening in your life. Ask our child within to reveal the Grace of this moment to you. See the opportunity instead of the fear; decide that you have the power to not only make the best of this situation, but to actually make a better life for yourself BECAUSE of this situation.

For our recovery to come true it’s vital that we learn to be flexible enough to adapt to and make the best of change. In fact, don’t just make the best of change and the unexpected, get EXCITED by it!


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