Our child within has had to learn to cope with erratic parenting or no parenting at all. Dad shouts, mum dies, or vice versa – the actual event is not material, the context is all. Our child within has no physical defence, so they devise a mental one – “this isn’t happening to me”.
Our Childs constructed survival strategies get prolonged into adulthood, and become locked inside our Child Within where this mental defence/coping strategy has ceases to work , with the Ten Stages trustworthy emotional support, the child withins intuitional thinking can be restored. The child's thought processes can be gently reached unclogged and we can start to re-program ourselves?
Our gummed up thought processes disappear as we make contact with others, because the child within still is convinced that the trauma is still ‘alive’ in its head we are constantly looking for a solution that has ceased to work and is irrelevant to our adult reality. This constant looking colours our whole behaviour.
We need The Stages Students who can provide us with adequate trustworthy emotional support from their own children within, to gradually gently persuade the child within that, the traumatic,“this isn’t happening to me” it’s over? When this happens and we can access the child within. We can start to unravel the crazy making behaviour by doing the stages and address the traumas that ceased long ago – a fact that most of us simply did not believe – we gradually catch up with our reality and gain a new freedom and health we had previously not known.
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