Are there rebukes from our childhood that are still ringing in our ears? Abuse is lack of respect. Now that you’re getting in touch with your child within, you need to respond to them differently. Here’s what we mean:
Sit down and listen. Listening to others is only one of many ingredients that will help you reach your goals. Yes, there’s a time for us to sit down and listen but there’s also a time for us to stand up and speak. A time for us to follow instructions; a time for us to follow our intuitive voice. A time for us to listen to the voices of others; a time for us to listen to our own intuitive voice.We have to start to discern the language of the child within and our own harsh parental voice of control and abuse.
Slow down! Be quiet! Kids have an abundance of energy that adults can’t always deal with. Hence, kids are often bawled out when their exuberance becomes noisy, nerve-racking or ear-shattering. Though adults don’t have the energy of kids, if you’re always on the go, others may suggest (or demand) that you stop and slow down. Is this good advice? Maybe, if you’re neurotically driven to always be doing something. But it could be that you’re just a high-energy person who likes to be involved in many things. If so, go for it. And when your favourite scold tells you to “slow down,” you can always respond with “chill out.”
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