
Their is NOTHING remotely like THE TEN STAGES which awakens the root causes of addiction offering a new positive solution

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: In the Ten Stages the term Dissing relates to acquired awareness
Author: Fraser Trevor
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In the Ten Stages the term Dissing relates to first stage acquired awareness of what hurts a logical solution to an open question.We cann...

In the Ten Stages the term Dissing relates to first stage acquired awareness of what hurts a logical solution to an open question.We cannot make our life a reaction to others; we must make our life our own in recovery one of our first changed behaviours is starting to identify dissing behaviours of others who use antiquated parental voices to control us. Watch any politician to start to identify this behaviour.What are your reactions to female politicians, members of royalty or celebs, the x factor condition. can you identify any dissing coming over do they look conflicted, secretly angry or disturbed???


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