Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others. (UPDATED)
Author: Fraser Trevor
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MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others. And we constantly bounce back up. We are no longer victims but strong, powerful survivors. Rem...

MBro DayHab:We ignore the doubts of others.

And we constantly bounce back up. We are no longer victims but strong, powerful survivors.

Remember to connect to our Child Within today in whatever way resonates with us, gaining our power and authority.

Remember that we are supported by perfection, even now.

Be aware of the problem, but be steadfast in participating in our solution.

Focus on what we can control, make it bigger and bring it in close.

Take what we can't control, make is small and push it far away.

Dedicate our day to something bigger than our problem.

Today, We commit to following through.

Surround ourself with positive energy.

Be a source of kindfulness for someone else.

Loosen our grasp on all that we are trying to control.

Leave room for our child within to function.

Greet each person we meet today with  kindfulness and a smile, not because we're in a good mood (and if we are... thats awesome), but because it might just save their lives.

We have no idea what others are going through today, so send the spirit of Kindfulness when we see something we would normally judge.

Speak kindly to ourselves.

Lighten the load and send loving-kindfulness to anyone who we are holding a grudge towards.

Remember that life, our Recovery Purpose and this journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

It's okay to slow down a little today.

We find something in this very moment that we can be grateful for today.

We have been given the gift of another day, use it wisely.

We are being moulded by the presence of our child within into something marvellous, trust the process.

Do not be discouraged. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Give your all to this day.

Following your Child Within may seem foolish to others, but in the end, the only foolish thing is letting our fear and self-doubt win.

So, today, in this moment, decide to make a Child Within out of ourselves and keep going.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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