Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Sometimes our truth is tough - we delay our chance of recovery by believing that our plan, our idea, our story and even ourselves must be perfect before we can start.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Sometimes our truth is tough - we delay our chance of recovery by believing that our plan, our idea, our story and even ourselves must be ...
Sometimes our truth is tough - we delay our chance of recovery by believing that our plan, our idea, our story and even ourselves must be perfect before we can start.

Here's the problem: this one belief ruins our life.

We come to believe that we have to throw in the towel, forget you ever had this dissociative thought and stop heading for the chocolate and all sugar you can find to stuff your feelings or regret down with a gluten free cupcake.

You don't have to be perfect to get started. In fact, perfect doesn't exist in this world (explained by a zen master), so if you're waiting for yourself, your circumstances or your plan to be perfect - you'll be waiting the rest of your life.

So, how do we find a solution for this lust for perfection?

How to we stop perfectionism from ruining our lives?

In this week's meet-up we break down how to stop this dissociation, stress inducing and waste expanding cycle and instead get on the fast track to living a life that you can manage.

Making the leap from perfectionist to living a manageable life isn't as hard as you think. And, you can take small simple stages to get there.

This week's topic can end days, weeks, months or even years of unnecessary pain and suffering from having unrealised expectations.

Take the leap with us to end this vampiric cycle.

feel free to leave a comment on our pages, groups and blogs and let us know how you plan to let go of the need to be perfect and get started.

Or, if you've had success in this area, as a former perfectionist leave a comment share your success tips, too.

Remember, together we can grow into who we're meant to be.Free and liberated Children Within

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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