Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Can you make it simple? This is the question asked. The problem is that it is very very simple because its written by a child within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Can you make it simple? This is the question asked. The problem is that it is very very simple because its written by a child within....

Can you make it simple? This is the question asked. The problem is that it is very very simple because its written by a child within.

It’s not over. It’s not too late to join us.
And what’s to come can be so magnificently simple, if we can but know that we are guided in every moment and learn to trust that guidance of our freed intuitive voice. 

There is a gap between what we know is possible in our lives and our current life circumstance. 

We have come to think think it’s a dance between our shadow self, a grown up self and our child within. 

That is to say, our child within and our now aged human body.

Our Child Within is Infinite, and yet we are limited. The play between these two co-existing realities creates the friction that can move life excitingly forward.

We aspire, we aim to better ourselves, to reach a higher level – not because of the success of money, but rather because – whether we know it or not – we aim to embody our Child Withins potential here on Earth.

That potential is nothing short of Infinite. That our child within is the embodiment of Love. That potential means we are free. That potential is connected to  ourselves and others. That potential knows that we never walk alone and that we are indeed truly limitless.

Yet – at the exact same time, we are limited. We are fragile. We are imperfect, broken at times and not connected. We are not free.

It is the purpose of life to reconnect to our Child located within in what seems to be a limited life. 

To do this, we must begin to see the circumstances of our lives with the new eyes of our child within.

We can choose to see that, even in hardship, we can find our Child hidden within.

When we find our Child, we can know that we are not alone.

 Our loneliness is our Child calling us. And that instead of medicating our pain in dissociation , to face it.

We can find ourselves stuck. And we are stuck because we are not honouring this calling out of our Child. 

The way to honour our child is not just with green juice dissociation, gluten free food and yoga – but with our courageous contact.

The fear of truthful action directed by ourselves that terrifies our mind.

If we want to look at what we really know, look inside our actions and dissociations.

Knowing something and understanding something are two different things. 
Let’s switch from understanding to embodying our child withins calling.

Take that risk. Trust ourselves. Love ourselves. Embody our Child Withins calling. Take risks on behalf of our Child.

We will become intuitively guided; we are and naturally have power and authority.

The best is truly yet to come if we can but trust our intuitive voice.

When it feels like nothing is happening, know that many times our Child is silently working within us before we can see anything change externally, but others can.

Get in Contact. And know that in this moment – we are exactly where we’re supposed to be.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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