Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: All eyes on are on 2018 – and it’s time for life to change.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Most of have no idea of giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our liv...
Most of have no idea of giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.

All eyes on are on 2018 – and it’s time for life to change.

Right now is a natural time of year to focus on our goals, our progress and what you want to create in our life.

The truth is that we can change our life anytime, right now is a special time of year because we are all focused on the transition from one year to another.

The problem is that most people will decide to change their life and then they won’t. They will get a gym membership for a year and go for a week or two. They will decide to eat better until a moment of stress when they go right back. They will decide to finally leave a relationship.

But – they don’t. That’s the fate of most of us in this world. Why? Because we like to dabble in things. We like the idea of transformation, but we know little about the practice of transformation.

Creating a new life or taking our life to the next level is hard work. It’s not about fad diets, exercise routines or the spiritual practice. It’s about consistency. It’s about movement. It’s about dedicating our life to creating a new life style, rather than setting some petty goal because you kinda sorta want to.

And the truth is, if we want to live our purpose, if you want to give our gift to ourself, if we want to make life better for ourself and our family – then we need energy to do that.

You can’t show up fully in life when you have a sugar hangover or if you are eating foods that you are allergic to. You can’t be present for your family if you are not engaged in giving your Child Withins gift to our world.


Because behind our smile, there will be resentment and regret – and if we are feeling those feelings, we can’t be fully present for those that we love, and that includes ourselves.

The best example we can set for our recovery is not to talk about what the right thing is, but to be it. It doesn’t matter how many quotes we put on Facebook or how many gluten free recipes we share, what matters is that we are taking care of ourselves.

2017 for me was a huge wake up call in the area of health and wellness. I’ve been processed sugar-free for a month, and it feels like I’ve been waking up from a long coma. And yes, I had a sugar-free Christmas – it is possible.

How? Because I remind myself each and every day that there is a larger purpose to live for than emotional eating. I remind myself that I am worth feeling good and that I do matter. And not only that, that it matters what I put on my plate, because what I eat directly affects my ability to show up in my life.

Better food in the body means more presence in life.

Better food in the body means better growth.

Better food in the body means a better healthy life.

Better food in the body means greater creativity and momentum.

Better food in the body means a better ability to focus on what’s important.

Better food in the body allows us to deal with the emotions underneath and, as a result, do even more personal growth.

And then that personal growth has happened, it will be hard, but life will be better for it.

It’s important as you are thinking about 2018 to not just begin to think about your hopes, your dreams, your goals and your resolutions. What’s most important is to remember why you are setting these goals in the first place.

When you link a strong enough why to your transformational path, you can move mountains.

Make it about more than just you. Transform your life so that you can serve others. Transform your life so that you can bring even more love to your family. Transform your life for all the people who are counting in you and will be inspired by the example you set.

When you tap into the why of your transformation and remind yourself of it daily – you start to create powerful momentum towards your goals.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives.


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