Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: From the moment we are born, we are subtly, and sometimes overtly, conditioned to tune out our intuition.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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INTULEXIA regaining of our childhood voice: Animals pay attention to the information that comes to them intuitively as hunches and feeling...
INTULEXIA regaining of our childhood voice: Animals pay attention to the information that comes to them intuitively as hunches and feelings. Humans, on the other hand, have been trained to disregard such impressions as inconsequential. From the moment we are born, we are subtly, and sometimes overtly, conditioned to tune out our intuition. Intuitive information often comes in the form of feelings, and feelings are not so acceptable in our modern-day, ultralogical culture. As we grow up we are encouraged to suppress emotion and rewarded for being rational. Do you recall any of these phrases from your childhood?
“Honey, you are just imagining things.”
“You know animals can’t talk.”
“Be grown-up.”
“Don’t be silly.”
“Don’t make things up.”
“You don’t know that; you can’t prove it.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Don’t get emotional.”
And for boys: “Stop acting like a girl.”
We actually receive information from our intuition all the time — like getting a definite feeling, good or bad, about someone we have just met — but we block ourselves from recognizing it. Fortunately, we aren’t completely successful at this, and our intuition regularly breaks through our barriers, especially in a crisis. Have you had any of the following intuitive experiences?
Knowing when someone is lying to you or manipulating you.
Getting a strong feeling that you should (or shouldn’t) do something (and finding out you were right).
Knowing from a distance when something is wrong with your baby or one of your animals.
Thinking of someone and getting a call or letter from the person.
Knowing how someone is feeling.
Knowing something is going to happen before it does.
Knowing who is calling before you pick up the phone.
Intuitive communication is the hypersensitive ability to pick up and transmit information without speech and without relying on body language; it is sending and receiving information mentally and emotionally. Although often considered a New Age
phenomenon, I view it as an ancient skill that is now being revived. I believe our ancestors were as adept at intuitive communication as animals are today, and that they were in constant intuitive connection with one another and with all aspects of nature.
With their unobstructed intuitive senses, animals are able to read minds. They know what a person or another animal is thinking and feeling and are able to see, in their mind’s eye, the images in the mind of another.

The Ten Stages is a studied recovery course. It is a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. #childwithin#10stages


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